Darya Frank, PhD

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About me

I’m a cognitive neuroscientist currently based at the Clinical Neuropyhsiology & Memory Group, UCL and the Laboratory for Clinical Neuroscience, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, where I’m funded by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship through the Spanish State Research Agency, Ministry of Science and Innovation, and #NextGenerationEU.

I previously completed my PhD at the Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology, University of Manchester and MSc at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL.

Research interests

I’m interested in the neurobiological mechanisms that make some events more memorable than others. To that end, I design cognitive tasks combined with functional MRI, intracranial EEG, and computational models to better understand how our memory system, orchestrated by the hippocampus, flexibly encodes information as a function of predictability and expectation, and how these change in ageing.

You can see my publications here

and contact me at darya[dot]frank at ctb[dot]upm[dot]es